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If you insist that I be festive, then here's the week wrapped up with a big fat red velvet bow

Driving home from yoga class, when I should have been all calm and zen, I was instead yelling at the suck-ass drivers on the road. The ones who insist on driving five miles under the speed limit RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER so you can't pass. And then fuck up the timing so you hit every single light red. Gah. Then, as I drove across the I-240 overpass on Walnut Grove, this car came zooming up the exit ramp to merge into my lane. Used to be a yield sign there, but with all the construction there's now two big STOP signs. But this guy was flying down the exit and really didn't appear to be slowing at all. So I yelled at him (I yell at other drivers. It's a nice habit I learned from my daddy.), I yelled at him, "Stop, motherfucker!" and then I checked my reflection in the rearview mirror because it seemed that I may have just turned into Shaft.


Yesterday, a local TV news reporter called me wanting to do a story on one of my clients. My boss made me TURN IT DOWN for a really, really lame reason. I love a job where I bust my ass to get media coverage for clients, and when the media calls I have to say "no."


Dude, my new bathroom looks soooo unbelievably fabulous. Photos forthcoming. Unfortunately, I didn't think to take "before" pictures. I never do. But it was so appalling before, that looking at it would probably burn your retinas out anyway. So it's better this way.


I'm a little surprised that King Kong only did half the opening that LOTR did. I predict KK to be the hugest movie of the year. I'm even going to see it, although I'd much rather be watching SJP in her new role. I read an interview with her where she said that her costumes were so tight, she couldn't sit down in them. The crew built her a "leaning board" for between takes, but she said she was too embarrassed to use it.


My agency decided to give a big donation to a charity instead of having a fancy, limo-driven, champagne-swilling party for us. How...generous. Feh. I don't care if you call me Scrooge. Although I prefer "The Christmas Bitch." They are, however, taking us to a restaurant next week for a Xmas lunch - a taco and quesedilla bar with beer and wine. Now I ask you: WHO THE HELL DRINKS WINE WITH TACOS?? Where is the love? And the margaritas?


Lastly, something's all wonky with my computer today. Or with bloglines. Or with the internet. I don't know. I just know that when I try to open certain blogs (like, half of them), I get posts that are several weeks old. Refreshing doesn't help. Clearing out my history and my cookies doesn't help (it just made it so that I have to TYPE IN EVERYTHING FROM SCRATCH. Great idea. I'm such a techie genius.) So....I don't know. I just know there's posts out there and I can't seem to get to them. And, erm...you may want to go back to last week's posts b/c I might have only just now made a comment there. That is all. Good night, and good luck.


PS - (Turns out that wasn't all) - And the other half of the blogs? The ones I can get on? Yeah, they all seem to have TAKEN OFF FOR THE HOLIDAYS. What's up with that? I didn't know we get a two-week blogging vacation every year. I need to renegotiate my contract.


And this, too: I think everyone should please try to use "I be festive" in a post today. Thanks.
