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Little Darlings

Poor Joelle is suffering from some wild childs in her neighborhood this summer. Now, you know I have a kid of my own, and I know My Kid has his faults. And when he was younger, he'd throw an occasional tantrum in public. It happens. I'm not deluding myself. But I was lucky. He was (and still is) a very well-behaved kid. I don't really take any credit for that.

My thing is...I CAN'T STAND when I'm out somewhere (say, the mall, or a restaurant, or in line at the grocery store) and some kid is acting up and HIS PARENT IS COMPLETELY IGNORING HIM. I find myself grinding my teeth it annoys me so. Eventually, it gets to the point that an employee of the establishment must correct the child in an attempt to avert the frivolous lawsuit that will surely be filed when said hell's spawn falls off the counter top(or dessert cart, or candy display) they're climbing all over. I don't understand how parents can be so completely oblivious to their children's behavior.

Then, by the time the kids are pre-teen and teen-aged, they're going to movies and interrupting the entire show by talking, nay, yelling during the movie, running up and down the steps and just generally making nuisances of themselves. It's gotten to the point that we can't even go to the movies on Friday or Saturday night because we live in the suburbs, and apparently, kids that grow up in the burbs are not intimidated by adults the way we once were. No amount of glaring looks, shushes, or complaints to the management does any good.

It's gotten so that I can hardly stand to go out amongst the unwashed masses.