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Some Oscar thoughts...

What's with all the empty seats? Has the show become THAT unpopular that they can't even get people to come to it? Because seriously, I'd gladly catch a flight to Hollywood if they want me to fill a seat...

I don't foresee any Emmy awards going to the producers of this Oscar broadcast. It had to be the least-professionally produced show ever. The audio was dropped on the start of nearly every line. And what was with all those abrupt loud noises? Like people dropping scenery backstage? Jebus people, WE'RE ON THE AIR...

Did you catch Oprah giving the Black Power Salute during Jamie Foxx's acceptance speech?...

South Americans everywhere were up in arms that Jorge Drexler didn't get to sing his own song from The Motorcycle Diaries. They were pissed that the producers chose bigger names (Antonio Banderas & Carlos Santana) to perform it and there was even some kind of petition being circulated. I just have one thing to say to these people: AT LEAST YOU DIDN'T GET BEYONCE TURNING YOUR SONG INTO SOME KIND OF CHEAP CRAPPY POP TUNE WHILE CUTTING HER EYES SEDUCTIVELY EVEN THOUGH THE SONG WAS ABOUT LEARNING TO BE LONELY...

Red Carpet Watch: Dammit, Star, this is the last time I'm gonna tell you this: IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU. Nobody cares that you're wearing the same jeweler as Hillary Swank, OK?

Photos to come directly...