I knew this day was coming
My Kid just gave me shit about smoking.
Because his science and health teacher, in all her infinite wisdom, showed them a video today with an autopsy of a heart and lung of a smoker.
It is great. I hope he never, ever smokes. It's so horrible. When I think of all that I did those nine months to ensure that he would have a healthy body...if he ever smokes, I'll kill him.
I hate that I smoke. Really, I do. I hate that I've smoked as long as I have. I try to justify it: I don't smoke that much - a pack of cigarettes lasts me several days. And Carrie smoked! My SATC idol.
It's no good. My Kid is sad. He hates that I smoke. I've quit before - for several years at a time, even.
God...just what I need in my life: MORE GUILT. Feh.