The Week that Was
We were without internet for an entire 24-hour period this week. It was Comcastic. Big Daddy spent hours and hours on the phone with them, trying to straighten it out. In the end, the customer service guy told him they couldn't send out a tech unless we went to their web site to request it. I have no words to describe the absurdity of that. I do have this, though, which I find to be a rather accurate description of my Comcast experience.
My Kid has been to a party every weekend for the past three weeks. I still don't know what 13-year-olds do from 6:30 to 11 p.m. Apparently they do not: 1) bring presents; 2) have cake; 3) sing 'Happy Birthday'; or 4) dance. I suggested that he should share with me what they do at these parties to prepare me for what sort of party we'll throw when he turns 14. He snorted and informed me that we couldn't possibly have a party in our house. I had no idea our lives were so shabby. Ah, the things you can learn from your 13-year-old.
Oscar Movies I Want to See But Will Probably Rent on DVD (in no particular order):
1. The Queen
2. Dreamgirls
3. Babel
4. Sherrybaby
5. Last King of Scotland
6. Half Nelson
7. Notes on a Scandal
8. Little Children (I enjoyed the book+ you know how I love Kate Winslet+ I also ADORE that guy from Angels in America+ 'Kelly' from Bad News Bears as the child molester?? Sweet.)
While I've seen hardly any of the Oscar-nominated films, I did watch the documentary "Mad Hot Ballroom" last night and I can't believe it didn't win a trophy. Do they give Oscars for documentaries? Anyway, it was charming and heartwarming and I had no idea I would get as sucked into it as I did. I wish I was ethnic and lived in the City. Their lives are so colorful compared to my white suburban one. Four Stars=You Should Watch It.
Every Sunday when I get my newspaper, they've assembled the sections so that the page with the crossword puzzle - the one page that people want to write on - is on the outside, wrinkled and torn and unable to be used as intended. I've started a writing campaign to the paper to get them to either 1) assemble the sections in a different order, or 2) lay out the features section so that the crossword puzzle is on an inside page. We'll see if they listen to me.
Hmmm, K
Don't you remember what we did at parties. Mind you, I was turning 16, not 13, but the "surprise" party was only a surprise to the parents as to what we actually did!
Posted by
Mom |
2:00 PM
If I remember correctly, D, YOU had a boyfriend at 13 and I did not. You know, on second thought, I probably DON'T WANT TO KNOW.
Posted by
Kalisa |
2:05 PM