2005 wrap-up in leftover camera phone images
What a way to start my morning. I got a little overly ambitious yesterday and sent out a news release that my bosses weren't ready to distribute yet. Fucking great. Luckily it was just to local media.
While I was sitting in the Germantown Middle School gym waiting last night for My Kid's basketball practice to end, I entertained myself by cleaning out all the old photos from my camera phone. They went all the way back to October. Sheesh.
Last night, laying in bed, trying to go to sleep, I was having muscle spasms in that little fleshy spot between my thumb and forefinger of my right hand. I was like Jane Jetson who worked sooooo hard all day that her button-pushing finger was distorted and throbbing.
I saved a few end-of-2005 photos for you.Amy & me after the office Christmas party (& lots of margaritas). I'm showing off the necklace I gave her for Christmas. I'm also looking like I'm posing for a porn mag but really I was just showing my drunken love for my friend.
Lynn in my office also has drunken love for Amy. She also has new teeth. Look how great they look.
My new Latvian friend in a really nice Italian suit. Those Europeans really know how to dress.
Here he is at our office party with the book's author. Please note how diplomats must always pose in this distinguished manner for photography.
This looks like a bit of trick photography taken at My Kid's basketball practice, but really, he's just the only player not hustling back on defense. Take a lap, kid. (He has chosen a trademark - tall socks.)
Pre-teen ignores his grandmother by playing games on his cell phone. Or perhaps text messaging his friends with a dire SOS message.
Martini candles at Jill's Christmas shopping party. They smelled really good too.
This may not look like much to you, but this is D'Angelo Williams making a touchdown. I'm sorry....Reggie WHO?
I saved this photo that I took in St. Louis just because I like it. Not bad for a crappy little camera phone image.
In the school's "I Love America" parade, each classroom was assigned a state to represent. Four or five students were then selected and some theme was decided upon. Like, the class that got Kansas dressed as all the characters from the Wizard of Oz. My Kid's class got Missouri, and he was wearing a Rams jersey that day, so he got voted in. Here he is on the end, wearing his STL Rams jersey & hat and carrying the "Missouri" placard.
Look what a shitty job I did hanging my PR awards in my office. Yeah, yeah - before you say it - I DID use a level. Now you see why I never have any "projects" that I'm working on around the house.
My Kid on halloween. He's giving the USC salute. "Rah! Rah! Rah! We're #2!!" Please note behind him the retina-burning wallpaper that used to hang in my downstairs bathroom. Not really sure why I took his photo while he stood in the bathroom but lucky me! You now have a "before" reference to this year's bathroom project.
The end.