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Top Ten Reasons Why I Love the New Job

10. Cool creative office nameplates are personally designed with your photo.
9. The IT guy doesn't care if I stream audio from Seattle all day.
8. I attended my first production meeting and won 10 bucks in a trivia contest.
7. My office is full of natural light.
6. I only used 1/3 a tank of gas in all of last week.
5. Two words: Summer. Intern. (I get one of my very own!)
4. Creative environment doesn't require that you wear headphones even if you're listening to the White Stripes.
3. Dude, there's BEER in the fridge!
2. I leave at 8 (8 AM!!!), stop for coffee, and I'm STILL one of the first one's there!

And the number one reason why I Love the New Job:

1. Shirts that bare a bit of shoulder don't earn ya a one-way trip to HR!!