Quirks about Me
I have this thing about using toilet paper that may have glue on it...mainly, the very beginning and the very end of the roll.
OK, as you were.
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I have this thing about using toilet paper that may have glue on it...mainly, the very beginning and the very end of the roll.
OK, as you were.
So what you are saying is, even if there is glue on the toilet paper roll, you feel compelled to try and get every piece of paper off the roll? If so, then yeah, me too. If not, then umm.... well, that's what I do. Somewhat neurotic I suppose.
Posted by
Gretchen |
9:08 AM
LOL :) No I don't have that, but I do like my toilet paper camille cented. Did I just say that? Sweety (sweety@helloworlditsme.com)
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:52 PM