Top 5 Oscar Moments
1. Three 6 Mafia WIN
2. Crash upset for Best Picture
3. George Clooney's acceptance speech for Supporting Actor
4. Jon Stewart: "For those of you keeping track at home, that's Martin Scorsese, zero Oscars; Three 6 Mafia, one."
5. Political ads for Best Actress category (Did that sound like Stephen Colbert to you?)
I definitely thought that Brokeback Mountain had the Best Picture Oscar in the bag. So I'm a little suprised and happy that it didn't get it.
My friend who is obsessed with Stephen Colbert/John Stewart confirmed that it was in fact Colbert's voice for the campaign clips.
I thought Selma Hayek's dress was gorgeous. And Michelle Williams' seemed very cute from the little glimpses of orange dress I saw. I wouldn't mind seeing the full thing.
I was very happy Reese Witherspoon won Best Actress. I loved Walk the Line.
Posted by
Vanessa |
11:12 PM
Reese looked stunning. And I personally think Salma is one of the most consistently best dressed women in Hollywood.
Posted by
Kalisa |
11:25 PM
And, Salma doesn't seem to have the *skinny arm* issue - nice to see someone in Hollywood looking real :) Thanks for the rundown...
Posted by
Lys |
9:54 AM
Ugh. I can't believe Crash won. They went for overtly preachy rather than subtle. But I suppose that's Hollywood for you. Even though I had my hopes otherwise, I wasn't fully surprised by Reese's win, but I was however, excited for Clooney. That was a treat. Jon (or perhaps the audience) seemed rather uncomfortable. I had hoped for better from both.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:07 PM
George Clooney's acceptance speech was classy.
Here from Michele today...
Posted by
Kim |
1:49 PM